Dr Kawsher is enthusiastic about preventative health and all other areas of general practice. He has previously worked in country Victoria, Caboolture and Logan Hospitals.
- General Medical Health
- Occupational
- Travel
- Dietician
- Psychologist
- Childrens
- Men’s
- Women’s
- General Health Assessments
One stop health and medical care
Our practice provides a range of comprehensive health services including:
- Management of chronic health conditions Asthma,Arthritis, Diabetes,COPD,Heart disease etc
- Men’s and Women’s health
- Baby clinic and Vaccination service
- Skin cancer clinic – Mole Max HD Machine
- Medical, employment and insurance medical
- Visiting Mental Health Team (Metro South Mental and Addiction Services)
- Visiting Allied Health
We have a well equipped treatment room for minor surgical procedures and skin cancer surgeries including:
- ECG, Holter monitoring
- 24 hour blood pressure monitoring
- Spirometry (Lung Function test)
- Hearing Test.
We have a dedicated team to provide occupational health services including:
- Pre-Employment Medicals
- Driving Medicals
- Work cover
- InjuryNet patients
If you are travelling to certain countries, you needs to have health advice and vaccinations . We have access to up to date worldwide health information and vaccination requirements.
Our clinic provides all travel vaccines.
Overseas travel health advice and vaccinations are provided and most vaccines are carried on site.
A dietitian is an expert in dietetics; that is, human nutrition and the regulation of diet. A dietitian advises people on what to eat in order to lead a healthy lifestyle or to achieve a specific health-related goal. Our dietician helps people make positive dietary changes through individualised, achievable goals. They work with people from all backgrounds and tailors their goals to suit their culture, beliefs, family and social situations.
Appointments are available one Tuesday per month
Please call 07 5541 3111 to make an appointment
Laura Gardener is Beaudesert Family Practice’s visiting psychologist. Laura can assist with many issues including:
- Depression and Anxiety
- Loss , Trauma and Grief issues
- Substance Abuse
- Physical, Mental and Sexual Abuse Recovery
- Marriage, Family & Parenting Issues
- Youth Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties
- Counselling
- General Mental Health
Her primary counselling approach include: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Family –Based Systemic approaches, Interpersonal therapy and other psycho-education including Assertiveness skill training, Relaxation, Stress Anger Management, Communication and Conflict Resolution etc.
It is a delight to look after you and your new baby!
Our Baby Clinic is run by experienced and qualified Child Health Nurses.
Appointments are essential.
During clinic times we offer the following services:
- Weigh & Measure,
- Advice on feeding
- Development and post-natal issues
Child Immunisations
Government scheduled vaccinations are conducted at our clinics.
4 Year Old Health Checks
We encourage all 4 year old children to have a Healthy Kids Check. This check ensures your child is fit and ready for school and will assist in identifying any lifestyle risk factors, development problems and give parents advice on a range of appropriate issues. 4 year old immunization can be included at this visit or done separately.
Make a list of any questions or concerns you have before your visit and bring along your child’s Personal Health Record book (the red book), to record the assessment.
“I’ll be right” – Let us make sure!
Despite statistical evidence that clearly shows men have a higher mortality rate than women, men still show a greater reluctance to seek medical advice. Men have a tendency to deny feeling unwell or shrug it off with that well-worn phrase ‘I’ll be alright’. The fact is that it may often not be alright. Like women, men too have specific health needs that require care and attention.
Men’s Health Clinic makes it easier for men to talk about, and understand their own health needs. Our doctors can help guide you towards a healthier lifestyle and teach you how to avoid health problems that typically affect men, such as High blood pressure, Heart conditions, Weight management, Prostate concerns, Urinary problems, Sexual dysfunction etc
We provide a relaxed and comfortable environment for the health needs for women of all ages. Our team of experienced female G.P’s can help with all aspects of care from adolescence,through to menopause and beyond.
We provide a wide range of women’s health services, including:
- Pap Smears
- Breast Screening
- Family Planning
- Contraception
- Fertility Advice
- Pre-conception Counselling
- Pregnancy Advice & Management (shared care)
- Post-natal check-ups
- Baby & Child Health Checks
- Menopause Advice & Management
- Implanon (insertion & removal)
One stop health and medical care
We have a strong commitment to preventive medicine. The schedule below is recommended by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Please feel free to discuss this with your doctor so that we tailor it to your particular requirements.
Details Frequency Who
Smoking Discussion | Annual | Smokers |
Weight Check | Annual | All |
Dietary Advice | Annual | All |
Alcohol Advice | Annual | Drinkers |
Physical Activity Advice | Annual | All |
Cardiovascular Risk Check | 2 yearly | >45 years |
Blood Pressure Check | Annual | >18 years |
Cholesterol Check | 2 yearly | >45 years |
Diabetes Check | Annual | >40 years |
Kidney Disease Check | 5 yearly | >50 years |
Skin Cancer Check | Annual | >30 years |
Cervical Cancer Check (Pap Smear) | 2 yearly | Women >18 years |
Breast Cancer Check | 2 yearly | Women >50 years |
Bowel Cancer Check | 2 yearly | >50 years |
Sexual Health Check | Annually/New Partner | All |
Influenza Vaccination | Annual | >65 years, At Risk† |
Pneumonia Vaccination | Min of 5 year booster | >65 years, At risk‡ |
* Minimum frequency, more often for certain at risk groups
** For general population, earlier checks appropriate for certain at risk group
† eg Heart Disease, Lung conditions incl Asthma, Diabetes, Kidney Disease, Immune Disorders
‡ Smokers, Heart Disease, Lung Conditions,
The aim of the health check is to help find, prevent or lessen the effect of disease. This health check will give us the opportunity to look at your lifestyle and your doctor and nurse can support you by
- giving you personalised advice on how to reduce your risk of illness by making some healthy changes
- providing you with practical advice to help you improve your health
- putting you in touch with expert advice, information and support.
45 to 49 years – Health check
If you have at least one of the following (or other) risk factors that could lead to a chronic disease later in life? You may be eligible for a FREE health check if you answered YES to any of these conditions.
- high blood pressure
- family history of disease (e.g. Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes)
- inadequate exercise
- high cholesterol
- smoking
- overweight
75 years plus – Health check
Patients over 75yrs of age are eligible for a free annual health assessment. This is part of the Federal Government’s initiatives to improve the health care available to older Australians.
A health assessment of an older person is an in-depth assessment of a patient aged 75 years and over. It provides a structured way of identifying health issues and conditions that are potentially preventable or amenable to interventions in order to improve health and/or quality of life.
The purpose of this health assessment is to help identify any risk factors exhibited by an elderly patient that may require further health management. In addition to assessing a person’s health status, a health assessment is used to identify a broad range of factors that influence a person’s physical, psychological and social functioning.
About Beaudesert Family Clinic
Beaudesert Family Practice is an AGPAL accredited General Practice; the standards against which the practice is measured are set by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners which required the provision and comprehensive care to patients.
Our mission is to deliver professional healthcare, advice and support services within a family caring and comfortable environment. We bring together a dedicated team of General Practitioners and health specialists to provide an extensive range of services to all of our patients.
We provide modern professional facilities to provide a comfortable environment for your visit, We are a family based practice and provide a children’s reading area and baby changing facilities.
Beaudesert Family Practice is dedicated to prevention medicine which plays a large part of our health objectives, as detecting any health problems at an early stage is beneficial to your long term health.
Some of Our Beaudesert Family Practice Doctors

Dr. Ramy Ibrahim
Dr. Ramy Ibrahim is an experienced General Practitioner with over a decade of expertise in both general medicine and specialized care. Dr. Ibrahim has a particular interest in skin cancer medicine and surgery.