Health Assessments

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One stop health and medical care

We have a strong commitment to preventive medicine. The schedule below is recommended by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Please feel free to discuss this with your doctor so that we tailor it to your particular requirements.

Details                                                        Frequency                        Who

Smoking Discussion Annual Smokers
Weight Check Annual All
Dietary Advice Annual All
Alcohol Advice Annual Drinkers
Physical Activity Advice Annual All
Cardiovascular Risk Check 2 yearly >45 years
Blood Pressure Check Annual >18 years
Cholesterol Check 2 yearly >45 years
Diabetes Check Annual >40 years
Kidney Disease Check 5 yearly >50 years
Skin Cancer Check Annual >30 years
Cervical Cancer Check (Pap Smear) 2 yearly Women >18 years
Breast Cancer Check 2 yearly Women >50 years
Bowel Cancer Check 2 yearly >50 years
Sexual Health Check Annually/New Partner All
Influenza Vaccination Annual >65 years, At Risk†
Pneumonia Vaccination Min of 5 year booster >65 years, At risk‡

* Minimum frequency, more often for certain at risk groups
** For general population, earlier checks appropriate for certain at risk group

† eg Heart Disease, Lung conditions incl Asthma, Diabetes, Kidney Disease, Immune Disorders
‡ Smokers, Heart Disease, Lung Conditions,

The aim of the health check is to help find, prevent or lessen the effect of disease. This health check will give us the opportunity to look at your lifestyle and your doctor and nurse can support you by

  • giving you personalised advice on how to reduce your risk of illness by making some healthy changes
  • providing you with practical advice to help you improve your health
  • putting you in touch with expert advice, information and support.

45 to 49 years – Health check

If you have at least one of the following (or other) risk factors that could lead to a chronic disease later in life? You may be eligible for a FREE health check if you answered YES to any of these conditions.

  • high blood pressure
  • family history of disease (e.g. Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes)
  • inadequate exercise
  • high cholesterol
  • smoking
  • overweight

75 years plus – Health check

Patients over 75yrs of age are eligible for a free annual health assessment. This is part of the Federal Government’s initiatives to improve the health care available to older Australians.

A health assessment of an older person is an in-depth assessment of a patient aged 75 years and over. It provides a structured way of identifying health issues and conditions that are potentially preventable or amenable to interventions in order to improve health and/or quality of life.

The purpose of this health assessment is to help identify any risk factors exhibited by an elderly patient that may require further health management. In addition to assessing a person’s health status, a health assessment is used to identify a broad range of factors that influence a person’s physical, psychological and social functioning.

About Beaudesert Family Clinic

Beaudesert Family Practice is an AGPAL accredited General Practice; the standards against which the practice is measured are set by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners which required the provision and comprehensive care to patients.

Our mission is to deliver professional healthcare, advice and support services within a family caring and comfortable environment.  We bring together a dedicated team of General Practitioners and health specialists to provide an extensive range of services to all of our patients.

We provide modern professional facilities to provide a comfortable environment for your visit, We are a family based practice and provide a children’s reading area and baby changing facilities.

Beaudesert Family Practice is dedicated to prevention medicine which plays a large part of our health objectives, as detecting any health problems at an early stage is beneficial to your long term health.

Some of Our Beaudesert Family Practice Doctors

Dr Bradley Lovie

Dr Bradley Lovie

Originally from Papua New Guinea, Bradley was trained medically in North Queensland with a focus on rural and remote medicine. Currently completing his Advanced Diploma in Obstetrics, Bradley is an avid traveller and enjoys experiencing different foods and cultures

Dr Kawsher Meah

Dr Kawsher Meah

Dr Kawsher is enthusiastic about preventative health and all other areas of general practice. He has previously worked in country Victoria, Caboolture and Logan Hospitals.

Kate Dean (Physiologist)

Kate Dean (Physiologist)

Kate Dean lives locally with her family, and as an Accredited Exercise Physiologist provides a professional, supportive and caring environment for patients with a patient care plan (EPC), Workcover, Dept. Veterans Affairs, NDIS or private appointments which can be covered by private health.

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