Dr Pedram has extensive experience in different fields of General Practice, Skin cancer Musculoskeletal /Chronic Diseases (Diabetes,Asthma,COPD,Metabolic Diseases),Mental Health, Chronic Pain management Weight Management and Smoking Cessation.
One stop health and medical care
About Beaudesert Family Clinic
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Some of Our Beaudesert Family Practice Doctors
Mayukh Verma (RN) Skin Cancer Nurse Specialist
Mayukh (RN) graduated with a diploma of nursing from Tafe Queensland in 2019 and completed his Bachelor of Nursing at the end of 2021. Mayukh started with us as a nursing student
Dr Bradley Lovie
Originally from Papua New Guinea, Bradley was trained medically in North Queensland with a focus on rural and remote medicine. Currently completing his Advanced Diploma in Obstetrics, Bradley is an avid traveller and enjoys experiencing different foods and cultures
Dr Qaiser Javaid
Dr. Qaiser Javaid, an experienced general practitioner, trained in multiple countries before settling in Queensland. He specializes in Residential care, General Practice and Skin Cancer.